She had a milk strike at 3 months, went back to consuming less-than-average amounts of milk and after solids were introduced, pushed food away after a mere few spoonfuls. She went on a food strike at about 12 months. We had to crack our heads figuring out how to get food into the kid. Then another eating strike occurred at 15 months. At 16 months I blogged on what it took to give her one small serving of milk. She was underweight according to the paedi charts. I count myself lucky to have a maid who had enough affection for Jo Ern to spend hours daily feeding her and to try different ways to get her to eat.
The turning point only came around 20 months when she started showing interest in food. Her weight slowly improved. At her recent visit to the paedi for vaccinations, hubby reported that paedi said her weight was good (I was super-busy at work and couldn't go. I would have checked HOW good, heh) Anyway, after two years of worrying about her food intake, I'm happy to see her EAT!
Eat grape
No problem getting her to eat fruit. She gets two servings a day, once at breakfast and the other with everyone else in the evening.
Ahmm all by myself!
OK this one needed work... put a bit of sauce on the rice, give her the spoon and then say "Jo Ern eat and show Mummy, show Mummy", then say "Good girl"'. Followed by "now show Papa", and then "Good girl!" again. Worked for quite a few spoonfuls.
Ahm mango dessert... no sweat
That's hubby reaching across the table with a spoonful of my mango dessert.
More, Papa!
There... I hope this post wraps up the difficult period in feeding this kid!