I go off to work every morning with my "milk bag", which was a full moon gift (glad SIL chose black and not some bright colour!) This bag often gets mistaken for a camera bag... not that I ever explain to people its true function. :)
Insulated bag with 2 ice packs, pump and 2 containers
Twice a day at work, I drop everything and march to the toilet to express milk. I count myself lucky since my line of work doesn't normally allow people to disappear like that. With JE, my first 6-mth assignment was with a client headquartered in Singapore where I could disappear at will around the weekly con-call. My second 6-mth assignment was on the helpdesk with an understanding client. Add a few months in my company before it collapsed and that made up the 16 months for JE. I was then on a project while pregnant with SE... this was 'normal' in the sense that I couldn't have done disappearing acts. After SE's birth, I sat around in the office for a month. Then on to an 3-mth assignment just helping out. I was about 30% occupied and easily found time. Next 6-mth assignment was good too - someone else was the lead so I happily took myself off as necessary. Perfect so far!
How long more? That depends on whether supply keeps up (it is dropping), on whether work assignments permit and assuming the previous two factors hold up, on how hard-working I am. Having to pump milk is so tedious and time-consuming. On the other hand, gotta start watching calories again once I stop! I've been on a 3-year buffet knowing that I can't get fat while breastfeeding. :)
My mother made me this feeding blanket... and that's little SE's hand trying to push it aside. Aikks.
Cannot see anything! Take this thing off my head!