Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Waiting pets

The girls have tons of toys and these are the current favourites.  The pink blob is JEs and the small black niffler (an imaginary creature from Harry Potter) is SE's.  In the mornings on school days, the girls go to my parents' house and I work from our condo alone.  They will arrange their 'pets' before going.  So during the day, this is the sight that greets me whenever I walk into the bedroom...

Waiting for our owners

I find it quite endearing these are so well taken care of.  What a good life they have, getting to nap all day tucked under a nice blanket.
Easier than real pets for sure!


  1. Definitely easier than real ones. Now with no schoolings, do the girls still go to your parents for online studying?

    1. Yes they were going to my parents. Now that school holidays have started they still go coz 1) I have to work and 2) they still get some kind of coaching. Online learning isn't very effective especially for SE.

  2. The girls are home schooling now. These pets are definitely easier than taking care of real pets.

    1. Yeah! Can ignore them anytime and we can make their personality how we like.

  3. I used to have a beanie 'Bert' from 'Sesame Street' that accompany me in the hostel when i was a student in Uni. I tucked my beanie like this too when i off to campus. When i returned back from campus, i saw the beanie still lying on the bed...ah..what a good life!
