Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Morning walks

It was only a period of 3-4 months between the last time I worked from my office, and the time when I discovered I couldn't fit into any of my work pants anymore.  As in the hook of the waistband being a good couple of inches away from its partner.  Now how did that happen when I was basically leading a 'normal'  lifestyle?  Not bingeing daily or anything?  Sigh. 

I set out to remedy the situation.  More exercise, earlier dinners (had been eating around 9pm after finishing work) and watching of food intake.  After a month, not much improvement.  Well maybe a tad which wasn't much to show for the swimming and treadmill sessions every other day or so.

Then came MCO and my condo facilities were closed.  Argh it wouldn't do to start ballooning again!  

So brainwave... we would all WALK to my parents' place in the mornings.  My maid had voluntarily been doing that earlier, taking 25mins, so I knew it would be doable.  The exercise would do all of us good. 

OK, made it!

Ohh I'm so dead

No I can't get up. I'm too tired

I'm quite glad to get the exercise done in the morning actually.  Previously there were times when evening exercise didn't happen due to the weather or work commitments. 


  1. Lockdown means less activities. Most of the time will be sitting around the house. I am waiting for resume my walk come 5th June when EMCO ends for us.

    1. Can still walk right? Just keep 1.5m distance.

  2. eh...waist expanded? hmmm....pregnant? LOL! yea, need more exercise. I had my dinner quite late too, around 9pm+ after finishing work (same as u). Luckily i did not get out of shape, phew!

    1. Seriously, the last time I was this weight WAS when I was pregnant!

  3. What a great idea to walk from your place to your parents place instead of taking the car since you are already not following the sop of fmco where each household must not visit another household as you treat your parents household as same with your household.

    1. Gotta take precautions. It's better for the kids going to my parents and I can work in peace also.
