Sunday, October 3, 2021

Ice-creams and a conversation

Got the girls an ice-cream treat.  Actually I buy tons of ice-cream - used to be imported tub-types as I think they are overall nutritious.  Haagen Dazs for one has a very short list of ingredients.  Then JE said she prefers stick types so now our freezer houses a selection of Cornetto, Solero, Paddle pop, Top ten, Choco crunch, ice-cream potong, boba, milo.... haha this mummy does things in style!  (Ok self praise)

Getting a cone at the shop is a novelty though.

Flavours: Mint choc chip, lunar berry

One thing, SE in particular would complain if I want to eat some of her food.  My immediate reaction was... hel-lo? I bought you that! 

Had an interesting conversion with hubby.  He said that the kids in particular have zero spending power so if you buy them something, there should be no conditions.  They own it and they decide what to do with it.  If you tell them - this is bought with my money and if you don't let me eat what I like of it, next time I won't buy you anything - it's a power play which isn't fair.

Hmm all right that does sound logical also.
This one is MY ice-cream, ok?


  1. Wah, your husband is a very fair person. He is right that it is power play. SE and JE are lucky to have you both as parents! I also have ice cream in my freezer all the time. Always replenish them when stock is getting low.

  2. I recently bought cornetto ice creams when I went to Aeon Big. What your hubby said is true. One day, when the kids grow up, they may use back the same words.

    1. It's good to have another opinion. Sometimes so set in my ways that can't fathom another view.

  3. your husband is right! that is unfair power play (like those parents of the older generation who frequently used them on their kids) may have instilled the 'revenge'. The kids when grow up will eventually use back against them. But again, some parents would make their kids 'earn' the ice cream/treats by getting them to do house chores.

    1. For now there is still the kakak for house chores. Have to admit that basically I'm lazy to start training them especially SE who is still a bit clumsy and accident-prone.

  4. don't see anything wrong with the power play ;-)

    1. Imagine you don't have income and someone buys you your handbag. And you're expected to tip everything out and let that person borrow that bag any time since she bought it. Annoyed or not? :p :p

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