Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Out of the tunnel

Day 18 (2/1)
Started acupuncture.  This is my first experience with acupuncture.  So the doc diagnoses the problem, pokes the needles where needed.  Then the nurse/assistant will come with a machine and attach the electrodes to the needles.  The patient then adjusts the current to the level they are comfortable with.  The machine will run for 30mins each treatment session. Two heaters are also placed where the doc indicates it.   

Acupuncture session

Thanks everyone for the well wishes!  Today is Day 23 after the op and hubby has shown definite improvement.  The numbness he woke up with is reduced to only a few areas.  From limited thumb movements in his right arm, he can now move the whole elbow - at least no longer a dead arm!  The 'seizures' are apparently just 'twitching' and part of the recovery process.  Biopsy results show the brain tumour isn't cancerous - it's a Grade 2 which apparently has a higher chance of recurrence than Grade 1, but I suppose we could always do regular MRI scans to catch any problems early.

There is still some distance to go.  Hubby's movements are very slow and takes a lot of mental effort to perform.  I am rather swamped ferrying him to his physiotherapy (twice a week) and acupuncture (daily), not to mention helping him with things he cannot do yet.    

But he has survived the op and fingers crossed, we will get back to normal soon.


  1. glad to hear tht he is recovering well. First time i m seeing the acupuncture machine.

    1. I heard not all places use electricity. Maybe this place is unique in using this machine...

  2. Good to hear that all is well and improving. Sending more well wishes and prayers for full recovery your way. Take good care and please rest whenever you can catch a little break.

  3. Glad that your hubby is doing fine and recovering well with the physiotherapy and acupuncture treatments. It can be tiring for you as the care-giver and driver, so take good care of yourself. Stay strong, stay healthy.

    1. Thanks. Hubby is also grumpy and full of requests haha.

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