Sunday, March 20, 2022

New school new beginning

After 2 years in a Chinese class for kindergarten (I remember being ecstatic at finally securing a place in this class!) and 3 years in a Chinese school, Mandarin is still an alien language to SE.  My parents had been valiantly trying to coach her.  She has been as valiantly trying to avoid studying. Somehow words as simple as 'four', 'nine' and 'divide' are at times beyond her.  Obviously continuing the same path isn't the ideal option.

So... switching her to a private school for standard 4.  Tasks I have accomplished:
1. Selected new school and paid deposit
2. Sorted out her school leaving certificate - rather sad that we are exiting early!
3. Paid fees for the year - my cashflow was tight due to hubby's operation
4. Sorted out the transporter
5. Bought uniforms
6. Sorted out books - collected some from cousin Erin and bought remaining ones
7. Attended orientation 
It totally helps that cousin Erin is in the same school haha. I'm a bit of the worrying type, relieved that we're all set now.

Hoping SE will blossom in this new environment. English will be the main medium of instruction while books besides Maths/Science/languages are in Bahasa. 

Blossom, my child, blossom


  1. all the best SE! switching to English medium would definitely help alot since she already know that language since toddler. I think she would be happier to finally get rid of Chinese classes!

    1. Thank you! She will have Mandarin, but I've signed her up for the basic level (rather than intermediate) following my dad's advice. Basic by right should be peanuts for someone from a Chinese school.

  2. All the best to SE! Very good to have her cousin in the same school. Good luck!

    1. Yeah having a familiar face in a sea of unfamiliar ones... priceless. Tq!

  3. Chinese is not an easy language to master if SE is not interested. She will do better in an English medium. Hope she can also master BM too. Wishing SE all the best!

    1. These days Chinese is important. I myself have felt out of place many times in Mandarin-speaking groups socially and at work. Oh well, we did try for SE and it didn't work out.
