Friday, August 12, 2022

Ice creams

JE is rather attracted to get ice cream cones.  When I buy tub ice creams, sometimes together with a pack of cones, she has no interest at all.  No chance to be a thrifty mummy *roll eyes.

FamilyMart ones are good....
Green tea flavour!

We stopped by a shop on the way home.  She spotted ice cream on sale and asked for another.  What, 2 in a day??  Oh well. 

Chocolate. And strawberry. In kittycat cone sleeves

We have a CU mart below our apartment (I'd have preferred a FamilyMart) so some nights we walk down.
Mango flavour

Ice cream is as big as Piglet

And this photo must have been from another day judging by the different clothes.  SE is holding a dark choc ice cream in a black cone - looks cool but messy on the mouth.  She didn't like this flavour so I ate most of it.

Dark chocolate. And green tea

It's currently sea salt again at FM, which the kids don't like.  So we are waiting for the next flavour.


  1. I love eating these ice cream on cones too instead of in paper cups because I can eat the cone too. Good that you let them have ice cream when they requested for it. So fun!

    1. Heh agree, I always tell the kids we can't eat the cup!

  2. I like the green tea flavour ice cream from Family Mart.

    1. Yeah green tea is a good one. But it's not always available unlike, say, the vanilla flavour at McD.

  3. I m ok with FM sea salt & green tea flavors.

    1. The last time it was sea salt flavour, I had to eat practically all of it. Not good as I'm trying to lose and not gain weight! But can't bring myself to throw away good food lah.
