Saturday, February 18, 2023

Farm in the city

It was still CNY hols and I was wondering what to do with the kids. Googled for the Farmfresh place (closed) then adverts led me to Farm in the City.  Oh why not, it has been quite some time since we'd been there.  I bought tickets online.... not realising it was for a future date until we got there.  Aiya!  
When the right day rolled around, we went again.

We are in! Here is a big tortoise

This here is the birds enclosure

Some employees were holding a cockatoo, an alpaca and a snake for people to take photos with. JE liked the alpaca and I politely asked the lady holding the snake to kindly move out of the photo hahaha.  Yes my life would be easier if I didn't have the phobia but what to do.

The alpaca. And us

Us and the cockatoo

We tried longkang fishing (unsuccessful) then moved on to the bunnies/guinea pigs where we spent the most time.  

Small furry animals

Then the raccoons...

SE, Piglet and the raccoon

Back to the tortoises....

Last pic with animals

While it was nice enough, I think the girls have outgrown this kind of place.  SE liked it all right but JE got rather bored.  Called it a day after couple of hours.  Food inside was expensive and very limited in variety, so we just headed for the McD near home.


  1. At least SE enjoyed herself at the farm so still can consider $$$ well spent because she couldn't very well go in by herself so need you both to accompany her.

    1. Yeah this visit was all right. No repeats necessary haha.

  2. As kids grow, they will lose interest in these farms. My favourite will be the cockatoo and the racoon.

    1. True, interests change. A lot of changes in the early years.

  3. Good knowledge for the girls to have visited the farm. Not easy to get the children out to outside activities nowadays.

    1. Heh yes anything that gets them off gadgets and screen-watching is a good thing!
