Thursday, December 30, 2010
Sleeping angel
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Xmas present
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Legs work, check

Sunday, December 19, 2010
Well already
Saturday, December 11, 2010
The birth story
Exited the Damansara toll smack into the morning jam. That made us late to the hospital, for such an important appointment too.
Day 1
Had the c-section. 2 needles, one for the drip and a spinal one for the local anaesthetic. I was scared of the spinal one as I thought it would be a huge needle (confused with the ones used for epidurals). Turned out it was less painful than the one for the drip. Had some nausea right after. Hubby came in all togged out in blue plastic gown and shower cap. I was happy to see him - however much I get annoyed with him, he is my rock during hard times.
Gynae had said the surgery would be 'a walk in the park'. It actually was! Shortly after, Jo Ern was delivered and whisked away for a quick clean. Then pedi brought her to us - I only had a glimpse of damp hair still matted with some blood. Gynae finished up - took a bit longer as he saw something at my ovary and did a biopsy. I was shivering violently from the cold towards the end.
Then it was back to the room. The nurse brought cleaned-up Jo Ern and I was quite at a loss how to hold this tiny baby! Tried to breastfeed, not sure how successfully.
Couldn't sleep well that night with a drip and catheter in place. Hubby slept on the sofa in the room.
Day 2
Drip and catheter were removed. When I stood up to walk to the toilet OMG... the PAIN! Nurse said it was the stitches stretching. If doc hadn't advised me to walk more for faster healing, I'd have immediately lay down for fear of injuring something! Pain was only there when I stood up though, and it got better as the day wore on.
Day 3
Pedi said Jo Ern had jaundice and had to stay at least another 2 days. I decided to stay on as well. In a way, that was a good thing as my abdominal muscles was still sore and the motorised bed was very useful when getting up.
Suspected my boobs were harder than normal that night.
Day 4
My pregnancy story
Pregnancy... was comparatively good. I only started wearing maternity clothes after 5 months. A colleague asked me how many months I was and was so surprised when I said SIX. The discomforts of pregnancy also only started around then.
Birth plan
Monday, December 6, 2010
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Bathing Jo Ern
I finally bathed Jo Ern by myself! At 7 months... heh. And I still wouldn't have if hubby hadn't gone to Nepal for a week. Anyway it's a lot easier now that she can sit. I was obviously too 'kancheong' to take photos the first time. But the poor little one looked so bedraggled and sad I had to take some pictures subsequent times!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
STILL sick, and mummy's down
I reached the end of my previous assignment so had to prepare handover, and get ready for the new assignment. So far so bad... sigh again. The client site is in the heart of busy KL and traffic is horrendous. The carpark is quite a distance away. There is no fridge in the office and I worry that the milk I'm pumping isn't cold enough by the time I get it home. The client blocks lots of internet sites like email and facebook. Blogspot isn't blocked, but whatever I do is on a big screen which is basically on display to anyone with the cramped seating there. It's only been 2 days and I haven't even gotten to speed with the work yet, and here I am with a litany of complaints. Arggh. Maybe things will improve. Somehow.
Anyway, thinking of little Jo Ern always cheers me up! Here's a video of her just doing her thing.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Still sick
Monday, November 22, 2010
Sick today

Thursday, November 18, 2010
Glamour photo
Monday, November 15, 2010
Hands work, check
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Genting trip 3
I cry cry and disturbed Mummy a lot teehee
Oh hello there
Ahmmm ahmmm

Eh Mummy? What are you doing?
One milestone though, tried putting Jo Ern to stand and she could! Before this my mum said not to let her as that might make her bow-legged. Then I saw MC's blog on little Sean and figured since he can pull himself up, Jo Ern must be ready to stand on her little legs too!
Wheee look at me!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Hehe... the bolster is in case Jo Ern falls backwards while sitting up mah. Actually this bolster is pretty useful. For me to lie on while reading, to put at the foot of Jo Ern's bed to prevent her rolling off (this baby rolls ALL over the place), to make her cosy when she is falling asleep. Even though I don't sleep with one, it's mine now! Mwahaha. Poor hubby is making do with the new polyfibre one that is too light to fulfil any of the functions I have in mind.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Ah Mah's Birthday
Venue was Daorae at Kota Damansara. It was overall a hit and miss:
Monday, October 25, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
New sleeping arrangements
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Sit, Jo Ern
Friday, October 15, 2010
Very 'ACT'
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Fierce hunter I am
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Eating adventure: Still starting
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
6 months old today!
And this was little me.
So kids out there, you must drink lots of milk ok?
I guess this is a good age. She's old enough to have settled down and not cry all the time. She's too young to be naughty so I don't have to worry about discipline yet. In fact, she's just the perfect age to be a cutie-pie. :)
Hmm she does look bigger, I think. How come she's been the same weight for 2 months...