Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Balloons at the mall

We saw this clown making balloons in the mall.  It was definitely much quieter than usual during our visit last week.  People must be staying home due to the coronavirus.

I went away to look in a bakery (I love bakeries!) and came back to see SE having a very nice bird balloon.

This is a special bird

JE was getting hers made.  She was pleased with it too.

Oh this is nice

It's a butterfly but much nicer than those normally made.

A big butterfly!

Wonder what else that clown could do!  Hopefully will encounter him again.  JE wanted to get something else but decided better to let others have a chance.  Also he did take a little longer to come up with these creations.

We have nice balloons


  1. yes, people are definitely staying away from public places due to the current situation. So nice of the balloon figurines maker to create elaborate designs. which shop engaged his/her services to do this for the children?

    1. The clown was just in a public area. So I guess must be 1u management buying his services.

  2. Most people are avoiding crowded places to stay safe.

    1. Yeah. We were rather happy with the lack of crowds.
