Sunday, February 16, 2020

Goodbye Swimming

On top of stopping gymrama, kiddos have also stopped swimming.  The Basic course is structured in such a way that each stroke must be passed before moving on to the next - freestyle, backstroke, breast-stroke and butterfly.  JE breezed through the first three and got stuck a while at butterfly.  She just didn't have the upper body strength to 'fly' properly.  I kept her there since SE was still halfway through an earlier stroke.

After JE finally passed butterfly, she moved on to the next course which was Stroke Correction,  Now this was a lot tougher than Basic. She sobbed at the end of the first day.  Had to bribe her to continue another 3 months heh.

Swim swim swim

Meanwhile, SE reached the final stroke of butterfly.  As expected, she was struggling through. I figured she would take ages to pass (or maybe not at all).  So stopped her after a few weeks.

JE continued on the Stroke Correction and was doing pretty ok.  But this class was moved from night (8- 930pm) to morning (10am-12noon).  Her face turned several shades darker with a whiter area around the eyes where the goggles sit.  So... for vanity sake, decided to stop her also.
Bye swimming class! Pbbttth!

So compared to last year, 2 classes gone.  Just to remind myself of the previous full schedule:

Sat:   1pm - 230pm Gymrama, 4-6pm Art, 8-9.30pm JE swimming
Sun: 8-10am SE swimming.

I drove them for everything since hubby complained they had too many things on and refused to involve himself much.  Not easy since I frequently had to work weekends as well.


  1. Now that they know a few strokes and enjoy swimming, just swim at your condo pool leisurely. No need for further classes since not going to join swimming competitions. A big thank you to their mommy for letting them take these two classes to have the experience. Now can have some leisure swimming!

    1. We haven't been to our condo pool for a long time. I work late and often we reach condo past their bedtime. And weekends we go back to our house.

  2. After going through the different stages, they are now good swimmers and enjoy leisure swimming on their own.

    1. SE is still not that good actually. And both are lazy to swim.
