I'm pretty upset actually. JE started her period early this month. She's just 10 and three quarters. Mainly because she won't be growing much taller after this and she's still quite short. Also she's not that mature for her age and now she will have to start dealing with the mess and discomfort already. That night she said her tummy was painful. My poor baby. :(
Continue whining a bit more... 10 3/4 was exactly the age I started as well. The difference was, I was tall for my age then. After that basically everyone just overtook me in height over the next few years. I have spent a lot of time wishing I was taller. So when I had a baby girl, I was mindful of this and wanted to at least give her a head start in case this happened. As in, let her grow as tall as possible early. Well this JE scuppered my secret plans. As a baby, she drank so little milk that she was underweight. After that she just refused to eat much despite my best efforts to make available all kinds of food. My preoccupation became to get as many calories into her as I could.
She only became interested in food within the last year or so. Which turns out now to be rather too late.
Sigh... another 2 years of growing would have been just nice.