Monday, January 18, 2021

I wanna be famous

Took the kids to a cafe before MCO 2.0.  This cafe provides note paper, pens and a noticeboard to pin the notes on. This kind of thing is right up SE's alley.

Scritch scritch

Usually she'll draw something cute.  I'm happy if it's not toilet humour (which is anything to do with butts, farts, poop, toilet etc).  This girl is always very tickled by things like these.


The note...

If you have tik tok then follow me. My account name is xxxx
I wanna be famous

Haha... the pressures of being 8yo!  I'm sure I never had this problem at the same age.

Admiring their notes on the board


  1. Today's kids so different from kids of our time. When we were kids, we just want to be play with our friends.

  2. Wow! SE's english is very good! 👍

  3. So young wanna become famous? Aiyo...i never thought of tht when i was 8😂
