Friday, April 3, 2020

MCO (Movement control order)

I've been working nose to the grind through MCO so far.  Sigh.  I'd tendered my resignation from this job earlier since for whatever reasons, it entailed me working long hours all the time.  Even my maid commented that I am not peaceful at my new job!  BUT... after serving a month of the 3 months' notice, I started looking for a job.  And found that the grass outside doesn't look greener at all.  So when my boss talked to me about staying, I decided to retract the resignation.

So on the bright side, I get a steady paycheque during this tough times.  On the other, I still work like a dog.  Work ends 10 or 11pm with barely any time for the kids.

What have JE and SE been up to....

Playing Monopoly

SE drew this in response to the topic given by the art teacher.  Not bad I think, at least the trolleys look like trolleys!

Supermarket Toilet Roll Crisis by Su Ern

I had time last weekend to make these strawberry cupcakes with JE.  SE was mostly a nuisance haha.  

Strawberry cupcakes!

Then the workweek started and I was stuck upstairs working the whole day, every day.  My maid Jane was sick for 2 weeks at the start of MCO, getting everyone worried.  Luckily she has finally pulled out of it and she's the one entertaining the kids.

We made popcorn!

Popcorn picnic outside

She's also thinking up and cooking a variety of food.

Wraps for lunch

MCO continues so more posts coming.


  1. wah, se n je so happy to be making their own wrap. Good that your boss talked u into staying.

    1. My maid knows well what they like by now.

      About work, I don't know... it's very difficult to get through day by day. Somehow need to last couple of months until this project is over and see how.

  2. Some are required to work from home, others can take it easy. Good that you have the maid to keep an eye on the girls and also to entertain them while you work.

    1. Yeah good thing in a way she didn't make it back to Philippines in time!
