Thursday, April 9, 2020

JE's birthday 2020

Life continues within the MCO.  JE turned 10!  A 'different' kind of birthday this year.   Well not THAT different from her 7th birthday when she caught chickenpox.

Only problem... our trusty bakery for birthday cakes was closed.  So were the two other bakeries I checked out.  Last resort would have been slices of Secret Recipe cake (this one looked open, but we couldn't possibly finish a whole cake from there).  Then I found a nearby bakery which operated from home and delivered.  So JE had a chocolate birthday cake.  Cake, check.

Happy 10th birthday to me

Present-wise, Shopee came to the rescue.  She got a claw machine which was delivered in time for her birthday.  Present, check.

Claw, claw a toy!

The final touch was supposed to be KFC for dinner.   However... they were out of fried chicken.  Managed to get nuggets and other items though.  So still a 'special' dinner (and we had KFC again  the next day for lunch, with fried chicken this time)

I'd say that overall, all requests of the birthday girl were met.

Happy birthday to JE!


  1. Still it is a beautiful birthday celebration with chocolate cake, birthday present, and KFC for dinner and next day lunch. Happy birthday to JE!

    1. Thanks Nancy! Yeah I thought all the boxes were ticked too heh. Can't ask for more during MCO.

  2. Happy 10th birthday to JE! Wow! what a small claw machine. I must go shopee buy one for my friend too because she loves claw machines. KFC ran out of fried chicken? how can that happened. Good that everything went well and JE is happy with her birthday celebration.

    1. Hubby had said not to buy as the kids won't play with it long. True enough, after two days I don't hear the music any more! Just that there isn't a whole lot of choice on Shopee. And having a birthday present does beat having nothing.

      Well shops have to close early so maybe they don't want to cook more. It was easily an hour before closing time though. Maybe they really ran out of stock.

  3. you are so busy working from home but yet you got all her wishes fulfilled. A big clap for Mommy! Bravo! Now I wish to eat cakes. salivating!

    1. Haha. Actually the cake wasn't that good taste-wise. Luckily not awful and JE liked it enough to eat it for the next 3 breakfasts.

    2. the taste must be good for JE to eat it for the next 3 breakfasts.

    3. I'd rate it as below average.
