Sunday, May 10, 2020

MCO Post #7

I continue to find enjoyment in the sourcing, procurement and consumption of food.  Hehe.  Roughly in that sequence in terms of time spent. 

Apparently durian season is starting.  Ordered two types but only one type arrived.  The seller reduced the delivery charges so ok-lah.  Too bad this wasn't all too nice.  It was ripe, not spoilt, just that taste was a bit bland.  Once bitten twice shy so now I'm not keen to order more durian.

This is D24

Another item, dim sum!  After looking around, decided to order these frozen ones from Shopee.  It was an 'interesting' experience.  The seller shipped from Johor very fast.  Then day after day we waited for it.  Anxious since this was FROZEN food.  While the seller has a guarantee that items will not be spoilt, and I did see a review saying seller replaced a spoilt order, it wouldn't be pleasant to receive a boxful of food that had gone bad.

Day 1, shipped.  Day 2, not yet arrived.  Day 3, still not yet.  Day 4 morning, messaged the seller who checked and said don't worry, item had been sent out from the last point and should reach me soon on that day.  Waited waited.  The box arrived after 6pm.  I must have been the very last delivery for the day!

Opened the box... hmm items and ice packs partially melted, partially still frozen.  I'm impressed.  Cooked and ate the dim sum, no stomach-ache.  Hahaha... considered all good then!  Had this twice already and still have some balance in the freezer.

Ready for dim sum?


  1. Wah, you are very brave! Dare to order durian and frozen dim sum all the way from Johor! I don't dare to order durian and frozen dim sum from far. Scared the food spoilt on the way, during the journey. Wah, JE looks like you leh.

    1. Desperate times call for desperate measures haha. The durian was from KL actually. Frozen dim sum was Johor. Of course it wasn't as nice as fresh, but not too bad considering it was really cheap. Lately I see Jin Xuan also offering frozen dim sum - way more expensive.

      Heh does she now.

  2. Haven't eaten dim sum since MCO started. I will have to check whether the nearest dim sum near my place has opened for business. I love durian but I am willing to wait for the fresh ones. JE growing up into a beautiful lady.

    1. Thanks Nancy!

      Lots of good dim sum choices in Ipoh... some must have opened by now.
