Tuesday, May 26, 2020

MCO Post #8

Made these 'gong zai peng' or fish mooncakes.  The first time I tried, they turned out hard and I dubbed them 'rockfish'.  I did eventually finish them though.  This second time, they turned out much better.  I didn't have enough golden syrup and substituted with some honey.  Maybe that was the secret?

Actually JE is just posing as instructed for the photo.  She doesn't like a lot of types of food and isn't a fan of these.

"Baked Fish" - slightly pale but I didn't want them turning into rock again

What else did we do... order pizza.  Actually this was my first time ordering pizza for home.  We all aren't super-keen on pizza so it's more for a change of food since we couldn't eat out.


I have always liked the smoked deli wings though so enjoyed the meal overall.

Eat up


  1. Usually children love to eat pizza. Good that JE does not like to eat many types of food so she won't overeat. I like to eat these fish mooncakes. Ah so u finally managed to bake. Well done!

    1. I've been trying to fatten JE up since birth hahaha.

      I always liked this kind of mooncake so am happy to be able to bake them myself.
