Sunday, May 31, 2020

Toys and iPad

This is a pic of JE on her bed. Those are only part of the soft toys we have, there are more not in the picture.

I am busy

Photo from another day... JE likes soft toys and keeps wanting more. But how to play with so many right?  Some are actively played with and many are not.  And as in both photos here show, she is on the iPad instead. 

Too busy for my toys...

The toys are of course cleared away for bed-time.


  1. Wah! So many soft toys of all sizes. Can set up a mini stall to sell soft toys. Soon she will spend more time on iPad and less on soft toys.

    1. Haha she refuses to let go of any, even those totally not played with.

  2. And I thought she sleeps with all her soft toys at night. Rupa rupanya got clear away the soft toys at night. So you all didn't stay over at the condo during mco n cmco?

    1. Well she gets to keep a row of them. I had to impose the rule or throw some to the floor, else she doesn't have enough space to sleep and plops down on my side in the middle of the night.

      No, during MCO we couldn't even go to the condo since it was over 10km away. And there was a single-passenger rule at the time.

      CMCO... yes we started going to our condo. Mainly because SE was falling too far behind on her Google classroom assignments and we needed my parents to help.

    2. Ah, so SE listens to her grandparents and get her assignments done with them watching over her.

    3. She gets super-angry and kicks up a fuss too. My mum was tired out after one day haha. But my parents know Chinese so it's easier for them to take on the homework with her. Me, I have to rely on translator sites to translate and sometimes get quite lost.

    4. Grandmother sure loves SE a lot to teach her patiently though it is tiring. 👍
