Sunday, May 3, 2020

Online learning challenges

Challenges continue with the small girl.  She takes a VERY long time to finish assignments.  Most of this time is spent kicking, moaning, moping, complaining and general avoidance of actually doing the assignment.

Su Ern! Faster come and look at your Google classroom.


Su Ern!  Like this you won't have any time to play iPad.  By the time finish it will be bedtime. 

* Stubborn stare

Su Ern! Come here!  Do you want to spend the whole night on this assignment The earlier you start, the earlier you finish.
* Not moving

Su Ern!
* Doing the ostrich

Gngngngnnn.  A short assignment can take a few days to complete.  She's practically on the Google classroom every day since weekends are spent catching up on weekday work.  She thinks there are some assignments still undone.  Tracking the status on the app isn't the easiest, so I'm just going to leave those be.  Her assignments are mostly or all done as far as I can see.


  1. Good that her teachers still give assignments to them. I know of some friends' children where there is no contact from the teachers at all. Did you show SE that you wrote about her here with her photos? Maybe that will motivate her to quickly go do her work. All the procrastination is making her even more fearful to go do the work. Quickly do and get it over with is the way to go, u can tell her. But oklah, since mostly all done now.

    1. I was surprised, didn't expect much from a government school. For SE, already tried everything I can think of. Including telling her she must love homework that's why she purposely drags it out. Of course threatening and giving bribes too. Haha. Nothing much works.

  2. I wonder what SE will say when she sees the posts and pictures of her when she is all grown up. Lol! Does she sees what you share on your blog?

    1. This small one is really a handful! No, she doesn't know much about this blog. JE I think doesn't know how to find it either. She snoops around my FB though I don't post much there.

  3. Happy mother's day to you!
